Operating Internationally Since 1989

in a Multitude of Regions


Picture with Drilling Rig in the desertPicture with Helicopter and stingerPicture with geologist working in snowy landscape

  • Research activity:
  • Within the SeeKaquA-Projekt (Semi-airborne electromagnetic exploration of Kalhari's aquifers, Africa) terratec considers to use Semi-airborne Electromagnetic (SAEM) for investigation of groundwater resources in Namibia and Zambia. The SAEM-Method was already studied during the DESMEX-Project in which terratec was industrial partner. SEAM brings the advantage of covering big areas within a short amount of time while reaching great depths down to 1000 m below surface. This helps to improve the understanding of new groundwater resources and guaranty to security of groundwater supplies in the future.

  • SeeKaquA Logo

  • https://www.leibniz-liag.de/en/research/projects/seekaqua

For further informations please contact: terratec germany, Schillerstr. 3, 79423 Heitersheim, phone: +49 (0) 7634 4644, fax: +49 (0) 7634 4634, email: info(at)terratec-geoservices.com. Thank you!