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Borehole logging

terratec Geophysical Services provides borehole logging to determine the physical and chemical properties of subsurface formations, borehole fluid present and the conditions within the borehole.

Geophysical borehole logging is the process of measuring the physical properties of rock. For about 10 years, optical and acoustic oriented scanners have delivered structural information, including vertical and RC boreholes which correlate with geochemical and geologial data sets.

Examples include:

  • Acoustic properties (e.g. Sound Wave Propagation Velocity Vp or VS)
  • Orientation of Structures
  • Natural Gamma Ray

Depending on the conditions, different tools are available for the aforementioned tasks.

Composite Log Image

terratec Geophysical Services offers the following borehole geophysical measurements:


  • Optical borehole scanner
  • Spectral gamma
      • Miniprobe 18 mm
        (Temperature, Gamma and Deviation)
  • High resolution acoustic televiewer
    (BHTV, ABF)
  • Water quality
    (Nitrate, Chloride, Ph, Eh)
  • Flowmeter
    (Fluide logging, water sampling)
  • Temperature
  • Conductivity
  • Caliber
  • Natural gamma ray
  • Sonic
    (FWS, CBL)
  • Borehole geometry
  • Total magnetic field
    (Hx, Hy, Hz)
  • Resistivity and IP
For further informations please contact: terratec germany, Schillerstr. 3, 79423 Heitersheim, phone: +49 (0) 7634 4644, fax: +49 (0) 7634 4634, email: info(at) Thank you!