The electromagnetic methods used measure the response of the subsurface on an applied electromagnetic field that can be naturally or technically generated. Electromagnetic measurements can be employed to:
- Detect highly conductive subvertical anomalies such as massive sulphides or water bearing fractures. (Horizontal loop, VLF)
- Detect different layers of conductivity in the subsurface such as clay, graphite or as displayed in saline water.
- Map near-surface structures such as cavities, fracture zones or the thickness of overburden.
terratec Geophysical Services uses the combination of the following techniques:
- AMT (Audio Magnetotelluric)
- NSAMT (Natural Source Audio Magnetotelluric)
- CSAMT (Controlled Source Audio Magnetotelluric)
- RMT (Radio Magnetotelluric)
- TDEM (Time Domain Electromagnetic)
- FDEM (Frequency Domain Electromagnetic), HLEM (Horizontal Loop Electomagnetics), VLEM (Vertical Loop Electromagnetics), Slingram
- VLF, VLF-R (Very Low Frequency Domain)